Archive for July, 2015

Norwegian Islands

Up to now all our longer passages have been swift but rough, but the trip to Norway promised at worst moderate seas and a fairly gentle following wind. The spinnaker was handed at dusk when the wind obligingly climbed to 15 knots, at which point we make nearly as good speed with a poled out […]

A Speed Date with Shetland

From And so to Shetland The weather in these northern latitudes this summer may have been cold and sunless , but we won’t complain about the winds. Every time we want to do a longish passage, a few days wait has delivered us perfect windows of fair winds. Faeroe to Shetland was a case in […]

A Day at the Races

From More Faeroes The “capital “ of the Faeroes is Torshavn on the island of Streymoy, and our passage there from Sandoy was once more “interesting”. We set off in fog and light winds and this time successfully worked out our own tides which whisked us North round the rocky West coast ( not that […]

The Knitting Rock

Our first proper day in the Faeroes was blessed with what a local lady jokingly referred to as “Faeroese sunshine” , ie it was pouring with rain! It would appear that in common with Scotland and much of Scandinavia the Spring and early summer has been particularly cold . One 90 year old said it […]

The Island of Sheep

By the time we got back from St Kilda , we had been out in the wilds for nearly 3 weeks , and even Lynda’s amazing catering was struggling , so after a brief foray to the Shiant islands to top up on puffin hours ( watching , not eating them you understand!) , we […]