From Necker Island

Not content with mother nature’s contribution to his multi- million Caribbean island, Virgin Boss Richard Branson has added his own palm trees, writes our Caribbean correspondent.

Necker Island lies at the eastern end of the volcanic chain that make up the British Virgin Islands. Branson purchased it, presumably on the premise that every Virgin company needs a Virgin island, and it is now available to rent for a reputed £25000 a night! Just off the southern tip of Necker is a perfect white sandspit just peeping above the high tide, the haunt of Pelicans and Boobies and numerous smaller seabirds. The Flying Lentil sent its intrepid correspondents to reconnoitre by canoe and they were astonished to find that the two palm trees that looked so alluring from 2 miles off, were in fact plastic – and extremely naff plastic at that.

The Flying Lentil understands that mother nature can sometimes be given a helping hand, but in this case the sandspit is not large enough to support palm trees, and the plastic versions are an eyesore that will be washed away with the first gale.

Leave it to the birds Richard!

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